True story - Set in 1960’s London. Legend is a classic British gangster thriller, tells the rise and fall of London's most notorious gangsters, Reggie and Ronnie Kray. Both roles were very convincingly portrayed by Tom Hardy, I frequently forgot that both roles were the same actor. There are loads of graphically violent scenes, look out for the bar fight where the brothers are facing off a rival gang. Ronnie, the paranoid schizophrenic, walks out and immediately returns with two hammers and all hell breaks loose! Very highly recommended. 10/10
This is the third standalone Marvel 'Thor' film, a swashbuckling superhero fantasy that continues directly after where 'The Dark World' ends. The premise is that Asgard is in peril, Thor's objective is to prevent the destruction of his home planet. This film introduces the villain 'Hela', she is the Goddess of Death, she is also Thor's sister, who has been in exile for many years and appears to be a very powerful character, possibly more powerful than Thor! During a particularly colourful action sequence, Thor is transported to a remote 'dump' of a world, on the other side of the Universe, this planet is full of rubbish and discarded people and is ruled by the weirdo 'Grandmaster' outstandingly played by Jeff Goldblum. In order for Thor to get back, he first needs to beat the champion gladiator, who happens to be the 'HULK'. This is also the point where we're introduced to another excellent show stealing character, 'Korg...
Historic action adventure. The story of Robin of Loxley, the wealthy lord turned super hero of the poor. An origin film. Think of a mush up between Batman Begins, Riche’s Arthur and 300, set in a mixture of different locations. I found the atmosphere to be wrong, should have been muddy with dirty downtrodden citizens. But the actors were too clean, and pristinely made up. Not sure who this was aimed at, but definitely another franchise starter. Not a great film, but not a bad film either. Not one I’d watch again. 5/10
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