Game Night - Black comedy adventure

This revolves around a competitive couple who host a weekly game night with friends, but without the creepy cop neighbour!. One evening we see three couples arrive and the host's older successful brother, each couple have their own back story and great chemistry with each other and in the group.

All goes well and the brother decides to host his own murder mystery night next time at his lavish 'Tony Stark' type pad. But this time something goes violently wrong, it turns out real kidnappers arrive (not actors) and he's abducted. The group need to rescue him, and so the adventure begins. At this point we're not sure what's real and what's the game, we see plenty of twists as the plot develops.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this film, it's really funny with some laugh out loud moments and lots of chuckles, whereas so many recent so called comedies have been disappointing, such as 'Girl's Trip', 'Bad Moms' and 'Sausage Party'.

This film is adult humour but didn't rely on swearing or vulgar humour.



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