The Girl on the Train Film Review - Emily Blunt saves this from feeling like a made for TV movie

A dark film with a twisty plot, and a film that keeps you guessing.

Sometimes I notice the audience ratios, and in this case there were mostly women at my screening, many who audibly gasped at the most horrific moments, of which there were a few.

Not a terrible film but not a great film either, the only aspect saving this from looking like a 'made for TV movie' was the fantastic performance from Emily Blunt, she was much more convincing than any of the other actors.

Very fitting that her character (recently divorced woman with a drink problem) should have dealt with the perpetrator with a cork-screw! The flash backs are a clever tension builder.

This film is worth watching if only for one of the best acting performances from Emily Blunt, my rating is almost entirely awarded for her role (I'm a huge fan).



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