Brotherhood Film Review - The Gritty Side of London

This is the third film in a trilogy, I hadn't seen the first two but that didn't seem to matter. This is an excellent standalone piece of gritty British film-making. The film was tense, violent and gripping with tight direction and fine performances.

It managed a 15 certificate, but it must have only just scraped it! Cracking script - the writing is genius and comical at times, telling the story of the lead character (Sam), who is trying his best to rebuild his life but cannot escape his past.

Great soundtrack - I'm not a huge fan of rapping but this fit perfectly and added to the film atmosphere.

Humour - the humour was pitched just right, especially with the 'gangster' who kept getting beaten up and relationship between Sam and Henry and the conversations between Henry and his girlfriend.

The only drawback was that the climatic duel at the end wasn't very original and seemed a little cliché Highly recommended British film-making.



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