Bridget Jones's Baby Film Review - Middle Class Lady has Middle Class Baby (who cares?!) - Embarrassingly Awful

I like British made cinema or cinema with a strong British contribution, so I take no pleasure in my poor review. This chick-flick, ROM COM revolves around a group of characters, without any real depth, who move sluggishly through a predictable and boring plot, this time taking place several years after the 2nd instalment. The message here is that a woman is ultimately unhappy unless married, with a baby (to make her life complete), and so Bridget's quest continues.

Renee Zellweger returns with her fake British middle class accent, this time she's celebrating her 43rd birthday, and this time in search of (you'll never guess) – love, but also this time with the dilemma of pregnancy to one of two possible fathers.

Bridget's character narrates the 'important' points (as normal), and just to highlight where to laugh.

Colin Firth wheels out the same boring very 'proper' English character. The standard awkward atmosphere exists whenever Bridget is less than 20 feet from Darcy (YAWN!)

Patrick Dempsey is the (new) American character, who is a guru with a formula for love. Oh - and he's handsome, but to make him even more handsome he's a billionaire to boot. (REALLY?!)

There's lots of cliché scenes and jokes, some recycled from previous films, the film is very predictable, and I found boring. The secondary characters seem very 'tired' now, makes you wonder why they made such nonsense – money?

BEST BITS - Bridget didn't expect either man to take any responsibility for the baby, and she makes that clear. The soundtrack is good, and Ed Shearan is a good sport. The endearing message – 'True love will always find a way'.

WORST BITS - One memorable scene sees Bridget talking to a friend on her mobile while dropping the 'F' bomb several times, there are children in the background listening intently, the next scene shows Bridget arriving late at a christening, one of the same children shouts 'where the 'F' have you been?' not clever, not funny – SHOCKING!. Very dated jokes.

SUMMARY- The first film wasn't great but at least it was fresh and charming.

I sincerely hope there isn't a 4th installment … 'Bridget Jones has yet Another Baby COZ I need the Money!'



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