Allied – WW2 Romantic Thriller

A WW2 romantic thriller about 2 spies who fall in love.

Stars a Canadian spy played by Brad Pitt, whose character parachutes into French Morocco to complete a mission to assassinate a Nazi officer, he meets a French spy played by Marion Cotillard. There is a tangible sexual tension between our heroes, they fall in love, complete their mission, move to London, get married and have a daughter.

All seems well, but new information comes to light. Brad is called to a secret meeting in the depths of GCHQ, there he is told that his wife is not all she appears to be, and suspicion is she may be a German spy! The news results in Brad needing to investigate and take appropriate action.

What I liked … The lovemaking scene in a car during a sandstorm
What I didn't like … The impromptu party scene back in London, could they really have had a raucous, noisy, brightly lit party during a wartime blackout?

The film is worth viewing for its styling and has a convincing old fashioned look, but I'd only recommend if nothing else showing.



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